Education Code of Practice

It is our top priority to look after our students. Future Skills Academy is dedicated to offering facilities and services that are enjoyable, safe and secure for all our students and staff.

FS Student Services Education code 700x462 v2

Education Code of Practice

All NZQA accredited education providers are required to meet the requirements for learner wellbeing and safety as outlined in the Education (Pastoral Care of Tertiary and International Learners) Code of Practice 2021. This is generally referred to as “The Code”. The Code sets out the roles and responsibilities of education providers in promoting and supporting your wellbeing, safety, and academic success.

The Code has 12 outcomes applicable for tertiary providers like us. Outcomes 1 to 4 are applicable to all providers, while 5 to 7 apply to those that provide student accommodation and outcomes 8 to 12 apply to those with international students (signatories). The outcomes applicable to all providers are:

  • Outcome 1: A learner wellbeing and safety system.
  • Outcome 2: Learner voice.
  • Outcome 3: Safe, inclusive, supportive, and accessible physical and digital learning environments.
  • Outcome 4: Learners are safe and well.

The outcomes applicable for international students are:

  • Outcome 8: Responding to the distinct wellbeing and safety needs of international tertiary learners
  • Outcome 9: Prospective international tertiary learners are well informed
  • Outcome 10: Offer, enrolment, contracts, insurance and visa
  • Outcome 11: International learners receive appropriate orientations, information and advice
  • Outcome 12: Safety and appropriate supervision of international tertiary learners.

In simple words the Code requires us to help you to:

  • be safe, both physically and mentally,
  • feel respected and accepted for who you are,
  • feel supported in your learning and wellbeing,
  • stay connected to your social and cultural networks, and
  • have your say in decisions about services.

We also have an obligation to ensure we respond to the distinct wellbeing and safety needs of international tertiary learners. All code signatories are also required to ensure that international students receive timely, accurate, appropriate, and necessary information.   

You can find more information about the code here.

Future Skills Academy is dedicated to creating an exceptional learning experience and provides targeted support for students to develop personally, socially, and culturally throughout their time with us. Our Student Success team is focused on student safety, health, and wellbeing to enhance the student experience, which is consistent with Future Skills Academy's values.

A summary of our strategic goals and strategic plans for supporting the wellbeing and safety of our learners under the requirements of the code can be found here.

Our latest report resulting from our Code Self Review including Annual Learner Complaints Summary can be found here.

Know the Code

You can find a summary of New Zealand’s Education (Pastoral Care of Tertiary and International Learners)
Code of Practice 2021 (the Code) here and here.

The Code summary information for tertiary learners in te reo Māori can be found here.

The Learner Guide to Complaints can be found here.


The Code aims to protect international learners. It ensures they have a positive student experience and are supported to meet their goals. Under the Code, your school must make sure you are welcome, safe, and properly cared for. This pamphlet is a summary of New Zealand’s Education (Pastoral Care of Tertiary and International Learners) Code of Practice 2021 (the Code).

Ngā Amuamu Tauira Study Complaints helps domestic tertiary learners and international students to resolve disputes with NZ education providers. It is a free and independent dispute resolution service. Its aim is to meet the needs of learners studying in Aotearoa, ensuring that they have a voice in the process and that their mana, identity and wellbeing is prioritised. Find out more here.